Lyngby Orienteringsklub

Find your way around Lyngby

Sponsors: Danske Bank, Nordea, Johannes Fog

'Find your way around Lyngby' is an other way of experiencing Lyngby City. A treasure hunt, where you get a bit of exercise and a lot of information about the history of Lyngby.

The tour consists of 20 locations. The locations are shown on the map with a purple circle, and the place to find is in the middle of the circle. There is a picture of each location in the folder. Once you have found the picture at your location, write the letter on the picture in the table at the bottom of the map. The letters will form a short sentence.

The tour is approximately 5 km long, if you follow the shortest route on public roads and paths. You can also make your own trip and find fewer locations, and may continue another day. It is entirely up to you!

Read about the locations

  1. Pritzels factory
  2. Lyngby Mill
  3. Old-peoples’ homes in Bondebyen (Farmerstown)
  4. Løkken (The enclosure)
  5. Bootee-Cathrine’s house
  6. Lindegården (Lime Tree Farm)
  7. Fortification canal (The Moat)
  8. Lyngby church
  9. Gramlille (little Gram)
  10. The White Mansion
  11. The cross
  12. Likørstræde (Liquor Street)
  13. Lyngby Town Hall
  14. Templet (The Temple)
  15. Thule
  16. Baadfarten (The Boat Service)
  17. Havnehytten (The Harbour Hut)
  18. Lottenborg
  19. Sorgenfri Palace
  20. Frieboes Hvile (Frieboe’s retreat)

Participants in the project

Lyngby-Taarbaek Stadsarkiv, Lyngby-Taarbaek libraries, Hjerteforeningen's Lyngby-Taarbaek division, Lyngby Orienteering Club and the Danish Orienteering Federation's 'Find vej i Danmark' programme all contributed to this project.